Michael Eckersley

Mike Eckersley gave, what I thought, to be a very interesting and different view to design work. His work seemed to approach design from the perspective of the audience, receivers, etc., and how design is brought to them. Mentioning such, he explained that there is a specific equation when it comes to design: the idea, the people, and the system, and what tends to be overlooked or underestimated quite often is "the people."

I thought it enlightening to hear how he received his undergraduate degree in design, but went on to get a master's in psychology. His observances of people and their needs/wants at the time help provide a nice way of dictating what needs to be brought to them, whether via product or messaging through design.

Link to his slideshow he presented: (good quotes included within it)

Michael Eckersley presentation slideshow

Designer Poster

Designer Presentation

"These tiny remains of ancient human civilizations, in addition to their intrinsic beauty, bring with them a special kind of mystery - a quality of the distant past, the unknown and unreality of it all. Like the best kind of design or film work, they communicate on two levels: the visceral or emotional level and the more complex intellectual. The goal, and the ultimate achievement [of design], is to make people feel as well as think."

Lighting Campaign

Campaign Outline:

Before project begins:
- Announcement posters

-During project:
 "Working" poster
Workman's t-shirt

After completion:
- Lighting sticker

Chapter outlines

Constructivist Project

visual research

Design brief

rough #1

rough #2

Final pg 1

Final pg 2

Cubist Designer Portraits

Analytic portrait

Synthetic portrait

Final cubist rough 1

Cubist Portrait Final